Today I am trying to get organized, we leave one week from tomorrow and we have so much to do!
This last week we have been feeling nervous about our trip. Carl loves his job and is sad to leave it. I am nervous for our children's safety, and I have been trying to fit a whole year's worth of Southern California fun into these two weeks of summer. Oh, and last week Amelia decided she finally wants to start sitting on the potty after months of not going near it! Hallelujah! Except, she is not really getting the hang of it: puddles and more puddles in our tiny converted garage living space. Every time I get focused on packing, ordering, or even thinking a cohesive sentence, "Mommmmy! Potttty!" Adorable, yes. Exhausting, double yes. I have already sat her on the potty twice since I started typing this!
I am really feeling the time crunch now! We still need to order necessities from Amazon, like a water pump, generator, mosquito netting, and a kitchen stove top. We still need to get more basic medication for the kids and a supply of my asthma medications. The boys insist we bring as many Legos as possible. We have to pack everything in way that makes sense and distributes our things in case a suitcase gets lost or stolen. What am I forgetting????? Probably lots of things! The good news is that we got accepted into Missionary Flights International and will have a Florida address that we can ship things to. They will then fly our mail and other items to us at the cost of $1.50/pound. We are excited to have a way to get mail and basic items shipped, Haiti has no organized mail service!
Our Florida address:
Carl Fielstra
3170 Airmans Dr.#2176-CHILD
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
OK, time to get back to packing. Next stop, cleaning out my car. Those of you who have ridden with me know that this will not be an easy task: my mommy vehicle is coated in a hearty layer of snacks, broken toys, and unmatched flip-flops. I am trying to wrap my head around not having a car at all! Where will I store my candy wrappers?
This last week we have been feeling nervous about our trip. Carl loves his job and is sad to leave it. I am nervous for our children's safety, and I have been trying to fit a whole year's worth of Southern California fun into these two weeks of summer. Oh, and last week Amelia decided she finally wants to start sitting on the potty after months of not going near it! Hallelujah! Except, she is not really getting the hang of it: puddles and more puddles in our tiny converted garage living space. Every time I get focused on packing, ordering, or even thinking a cohesive sentence, "Mommmmy! Potttty!" Adorable, yes. Exhausting, double yes. I have already sat her on the potty twice since I started typing this!

Our Florida address:
Carl Fielstra
3170 Airmans Dr.#2176-CHILD
Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
OK, time to get back to packing. Next stop, cleaning out my car. Those of you who have ridden with me know that this will not be an easy task: my mommy vehicle is coated in a hearty layer of snacks, broken toys, and unmatched flip-flops. I am trying to wrap my head around not having a car at all! Where will I store my candy wrappers?
You guys are amazing! praying for you!!!!!!