Monday, August 6, 2012

Random numbers

Numbers for the day:

0: The amount of naps taken by our children! Ahhhh!

1 ½: the amount of hours it took us to get into Port-au-Prince to meet up with our ride. This included a Tap-Tap ride, a 30 minute walk down crowded streets where we were not sure that it was safe for us to be, and a random pickup and ride from a very nice local American and a pastor from Colorado (they saw us standing on a street corner and let us hop in the bed of their pickup!)

2: The number of times it came in handy today that I speak Arabic (??? random)

19 people in the back of one of these!
19: How many people (14 adults and 5 children) that were crammed into our Tap-Tap – a record for us, but certainly not a record for Haitian Tap-Taps!

250: the number of tiles that we helped Marie from Hope Givers purchase to refinish the bathroom on site at Good Rest.

Priceless: spending the evening with American friends who arrived here in Haiti the same week we did and getting to discuss with them how to keep our sanity in a country where buying tile takes up an entire day of our lives! The best part of our night was sharing various things that we brought with us and that we were given in care packages. I can’t explain the joy of sharing Jolly Ranchers in Haiti. It is just amazing!

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