Saturday, April 14, 2012

On Fear

One of the questions people ask me the most when I tell them about our upcoming move to Haiti is: “Aren’t you afraid to go there?”

“Yes.” I usually answer. However, I am afraid every time I kiss my husband goodbye that I might not see him again. I am afraid to drive to the store because of the probability I might die in a car accident. I was afraid to buy our house because we might not have waited long enough for the real estate market to drop. I am afraid that a black widow spider might make a home in one of my shoes. I am afraid that the zombie apocalypse will happen and I will not be prepared! I am afraid a hundred times a day that one of my children will get hurt descending the stairs, falling off a chair, crossing the street, playing at the park. I am afraid that I will let fear, not courage dictate my life’s decisions. I am most afraid that I will be so successful at avoiding all of the things that scare me in this life that I will wake up one day and realize that I have lived an incredibly safe, boring, and empty existence. 

So I push aside fear, I open myself to possibility, to daring, and to life.

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